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Who deserves this season the most, ranked

Related Topics: Carlos Correa, Brace Hemmelgarn

After a long season of near-fruitless San Francisco Giants baseball, it’s time to figure out out who deserves this 79-83 result the most.

I’m going off the basic dictionary defintion: “do something or have or show qualities worthy of (reward or punishment).” This is but a humble blog post so the reward and punishment are the same for anyone on the list: you get to (have to) read yourself listed on it.

Deserve can be a loaded word and pop culture has played with that over the years in many meaningful ways. From “Deserve’s got nothin’ to do with it” in the movie Unforgiven to “you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate” in entertainment industry parlance, there’s a dramatic insistence to characterize cold reality as a greater force than what people feel they’re owed based on their actions.