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Watch Jeremy Affeldt give a virtual tour of the Giants clubhouse

At the top of the video, Jeremy Affeldt explains why the Giants’ clubhouse is worth a virtual tour:

“The old clubhouse was very narrow and it was cold. It wasn’t inviting. And it didn’t feel like we were connected. After the first championship we started thinking... ‘What does a championship clubhouse feel like?’”

Oh baby, did they really give the new one a championship feel. Affeldt’s voice-guided tour shows you the main clubhouse, the uniform room, laundry room, chef’s kitchen and cafeteria, video room, coaches conferences room (aka war room), coaches locker room, gym, training room, sleep room (it’s just a room with a Red Sox-Yankees game on a loop), hydrotherapy room, bat room lounge (this is where the crime solving gets done), and Bruce Bochy’s office.