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Is the San Francisco Giants' fan attendance COVID policy overly cautious? We asked some experts.

Beginning with the home opener on April 9, in order to attend a San Francisco Giants game at 22% stadium capacity, all fans ages 12 and older must present either proof of a COVID-19 vaccination or a negative test result from the past 72 hours.

Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert at UCSF, described the policy as "major overkill."

"It almost doesn’t make sense to do testing," she said. "The point of mass testing is to allow for environments where you don't have your other three interventions of masking, distancing and ventilation. You can’t have it both ways — if you're creating a system with distanced pods of masked fans outside, you're making the assumption there's some COVID among the fans in stadium, but you're relying on the power of non pharmaceutical interventions to ensure there's no spread, including the most powerful intervention of all, which is being outdoors.