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Help Sonoma County fire victims, learn how to play baseball better, and meet Noah Lowry

Giants minor leaguer Tyler Cyr has organized a benefit for Sonoma County fire victims who lost their baseball equipment in the fire, putting on a baseball clinic and donating all of the proceeds to the cause. Cyr will be one of the instructors, and so will Marcus Semien and several other professional baseball players, past and present.

As a Noah Lowry fanboy who still daydreams about his shutout against the Reds, I would like to point out that Noah Lowry is also involved.

  • Friday, Jan. 5
  • Baseball clinic from noon to 3:30
  • Meet and greet from 3:30 to 4:00
  • Epicenter Sports and Entertainment, Santa Rosa

The going hourly rate for private softball lessons for a 9-year-old girl is something like $75, he said with the mournful, yearning sigh of a parent who can’t afford them, so a three-and-a-half-hour baseball clinic for that much is already a fantastic deal, and it goes to a good cause.