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Former Giants coach Tim Flannery to pinch hit — in the PA booth

This change in the lineup for the Giants home game against the Chicago Cubs on Wednesday afternoon:

Tim Flannery for Renel-Brooks Moon.

Brooks-Moon will be fulfilling a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, acting as master of ceremonies at the swearing in of San Francisco Mayor London Breed. Breed will be the first African-American woman to serve as The City’s full-time mayor.

You may recall Flannery as the Giants’ frenetic third base coach from 2007-14.

“I’m not going to do anything nuts,” Flannery said. “That’s my one thing going into it.”

Knowing that Flannery has serious musical chops, I just had to lob a suggestion his way:

Vintage Giants PA address voice Jeff Carter also sang the national anthem before games in the 1960s-70s.