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Big changes coming? Brian Sabean says Giants face 'some painful decisions'

Related Topics: Brian Sabean, Sabaeans

The Giants know they can't have another season like they did in 2017. Changes to the roster are coming, but in what fashion is the biggest question.

While certain players like Buster Posey and Madison Bumgarner will not even be brought up, are there any other players safe from trades?

"There's going to be some painful decisions," Executive Vice President Brian Sabean said Friday on the "TK Show. "I guess the best way to say it is we've come to the realization, to do what we need to do, to be competitive to start the year and hopefully have to also roll into making some moves at the deadline, is that we're going to have to make some tough choices and may have to move some payroll, which means moving some people who perhaps we wouldn't under a normal circumstance.