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Asked about contemporary baseball, Will Clark stops just short of telling kids to get off the grass

Terrific news from Will’s World, where Will Clark still knows what to do with a big, fat pitch.

He got a peach at the outset of his appearance Tuesday on KNBR’s Tolbert & Lund show. The subject of Major League Baseball’s rules changes, both implemented and proposed, was raised. The Thrill almost came out of his shoes.

“I’m not a huge rules-change guy,” said the 15-year veteran who retired with a .303 career average. “They’ve changed the game around enough right now where it’s tiddlywinks. You can’t go into second base and hit anybody.”

If you know Clark, you know the take-out slide at second base is near and dear to his heart:

“You can’t go into home plate and hit nobody,” Clark told KNBR, warming to the discussion.