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How do you grade 49ers free agent addition Garry Gilliam?

The San Francisco 49ers wrapped up the 2017 season and have begun their work to prepare for 2018 free agency and the draft. We’ll be breaking down plenty of what that means, but in the meantime, we wanted to take a look back at the season that was for the 49ers. Jimmy Garoppolo capture our imagination, but the 49ers rebuilding process was extensive last year. We are going to take a look at every notable addition and provide a forum for grading how that signing, trade, or draft pick worked out.

Garry Gilliam, Offensive Lineman
How acquired: Signed as a free agent April 18, 2017 - cap details

Seattle signed Gilliam as UDFA free agent and let him go after three years because, um, he wasn’t very good.