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Golden Nuggets: All I want for my birthday is #6

“I think what Kyle Shanahan will have to kind of figure out is how they want to approach this now,” Maiocco said. “There will be more opportunities for Jake Moody for a bigger leg to kick 55-56 yard field goals, but because it might not be just the absolute given…When the 49ers got it at the 30 yard line, it was basically like ‘Well, we’ve got three points.’ I think when you got to the 30 yard line, Kyle Shanahan had to wrestle this, ‘Okay, we got the three points, let’s not do anything to screw that up.’

“Now I think it at least enables him the opportunity a 4th and 1, 4th and 2 at the 30, at the 25, whatever to go ‘You know what, we have this good play that I like in this situation, let’s go for it.