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Upton continues to flash power at Petco

"Everyone says it's big, but I don't think so," Upton said. "I think it plays pretty fair. I've enjoyed quite a bit of success here. I enjoy playing here. I think the park is great."

His opinion hasn't changed, which makes sense after he hit two home runs Sunday, giving him eight this season in his new ballpark.

The first home run came in the third inning off Nationals starter Stephen Strasburg. The last one came in the eighth inning off reliever Tanner Roark. The Nationals topped the Padres, 10-5.

Upton launches solo homer
Upton launches solo homer 5/17/15: Justin Upton launches a solo homer to left-center field, putting the Padres up, 2-0, in the bottom of the 3rd

The display of power wasn't surprising to Nationals manager Matt Williams, who was part of the D-backs coaching staff when Upton played in Arizona.