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Padres sign first-rounder Robert Hassell III for $4.3 million

The Padres have signed first-rounder Robert Hassell III and awarded him a $4.3 million bonus, an under-slot deal that continues to put them in position to fit third-rounder Cole Wilcox into their $10.67 million bonus pool.

The recommended signing bonus for Hassell, the eighth overall pick earlier this month, was $5.18 million.

The Padres have also agreed to under-slot deals with fourth-rounder Levi Thomas ($80,000, well under the $533,000 recommended bonus) and fifth-rounder Jagger Haynes ($300,000, about 75 percent of the $398,000 recommended bonus).

Wilcox, a draft-eligible sophomore, was considered a first-round talent but fell to the Padres at 80th overall due to signability concerns.