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Padres’ Ron Fowler wants wins to go with losses

Ron Fowler remains involved in ongoing negotiations between Major League Baseball and its players’ union. He possesses an acute awareness of the possibility this season won’t be completed or even start, and he has grave concerns about the future effects of COVID-19.

But the Padres’ executive chairman has moved forward with something like resigned excitement.

“I’m focused on, if we’re going to lose money, let’s win something and be able to celebrate,” he said.

Fowler alternated between sounding enthused and tired during a phone conversation Tuesday afternoon in which he offered insight into the financial losses he said the Padres will incur, expressed pessimism about the prospect of fans safely attending games at Petco Park this season and even next, lamented the tack taken by the MLB Players Association’s lead negotiator and spoke about the need for a different approach by both sides in future dealings.