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And the money battle begins: Lesniak looking for the money for RU facilities

Ray Lesniak has a proposal for kick starting the upgrading of Rutgers facilities....and Rowan's....and NJIT's.

There's an old saying that a camel is a horse that was built by a committee.  The quote has been attributed to a 20th Century Greek designer, Alec Issigonis, which I guess is appropriate in that we are talking about designing things and trying to get things accomplished in a democracy...another Greek creation.

Issigonis supposedly also said, "An expert is someone who tells you why you can't do something."  And there will be those folks around, as well.

And this all goes back to our champion, Senator Ray Lesniak, putting forth a bill in the New Jersey Senate that would allocate tax credits of $75 million, intended to be divided in equal shares of $25 million to Rutgers, Rowan University and the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), and used for future development on their campuses.