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U.S. Wrestler Gable Steveson Wins Olympic Gold W/ Last Second Score

U.S. wrestling star Gable Steveson just won Olympic gold in freestyle wrestling with an AMAZING last second (literally) score ... in one of the most improbable wins in wrestling history.

21-year-old Steveson -- wrestling in the 125 kg. (275 lb.) class -- is an absolute BEAST on the mat. He won the NCAA title this year at the University of Minnesota ... as well as the championship at the Pan American games. Gable hasn't lost a single match in 2 years.

But, Steveson was down late in the gold medal match against 27-year-old, #1 seed Geno Petriashvili from Georgia (country) -- a wrestler who'd won the last 3 titles in the division -- trailing 8-7 with only seconds remaining.