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Traina Thoughts: LeBron James Has Done So Much More Than Just Open A School

1. u200bLeBron James didn't just open an elementary school for at-risk children yesterday. He's setting these kids up for life and saving lives. The kids who complete the I Promise School program get free tuition at the University of Akron. He's also set up a program for the parents of the students to complete their high school education. There's plenty more according to CNN's Don Lemon:

- Tuition is free

- Uniforms are free

- Transportation is free for every student who lives more than two miles away

- Every student gets breakfast, lunch and snacks

- Food pantry for families

- Every student gets a free bicycle and helmet

You should watch the entire video below in which Lemon interviews James and gets a tour of the impressive school, but if you don't have time for the full six minutes, fast forward to the four-minute mark and watch the reaction of the kid when LeBron enters their classroom.