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The Ten Best Tim Duncan Headlines By The Onion

Related Topics: The Onion, Tim Duncan

The Onion definitely had it’s go-to subjects, as most great comedy outlets do. One of the best was Tim Duncan, the Spurs’ power forward who retired today. Tutored as a young player by The Admiral, David Robinson, Duncan became one of the greatest big men in league history — all the while projecting an even-tempered, squeaky-clean, guy-next-door image … if the guy next door was 6-foot-11 and had a career average of 19.0 ppg.

The Onion seized on this big time — there were no fewer than 42 Duncan-centric headlines there over the years.

Tim Duncan Begins Summer Job At Apple Genius Bar, from May 8, 2009, is a good example — it’s ridiculous, yet close enough to Duncan’s personality to be funny.