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Monday’s Hot Clicks: Steph Curry Interviews an Astronaut After Saying Moon Landing Was Fake

Stephen Curry is very sorry for the hubbub he caused last week by saying the 1969 moon landing (and the five return trips after that) never really happened.

Those comments caught the eye of retired astronaut Scott Kelly, who once spent 340 days orbiting Earth on the International Space Station.

Steph, who says he comment was just a joke, has already agreed to pay NASA a visit when the Warriors go to Houston in March. On Saturday, he got a head start on his space travel education by interviewing Kelly over Instagram live.

“It was important for me to understand, one, the magnitude of things that I say in my comments, and how much weight they carry, no matter if I am joking or not, but totally honor that in every situation I put myself in,” Curry said, as transcribed by Warriors Wire.