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Matt Stafford's 2-Year-Old Daughters Hate the Stinkin' Packers!

Wanna see the most adorable NFL smack talk ever? Great!

Here are Matt Stafford's adorable 2-year-old twin daughters expressing their utmost DISDAIN for the Green Bay Packers ... before being distracted by a shiny red truck.

C'mon, this is SUPER CUTE!!

Of course, Matt's Detroit Lions are facing Aaron Rodgers and company tonight on "Monday Night Football" in a crucial NFL North match up.

Since Matt and the Lions are on the road ... the QB's wife Kelly Stafford made a cute pump-up video for dad showing their support for Detroit!

It's a big game for Detroit -- they're 2-1-1 and if they don't beat the Packers, it could already spell the end for their hopes of a division title since Green Bay is 4-1 and look strong right now.