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Football Fans Threw Stuffed Animals To Sick Children Sitting Below Them At A Game

Knuffels van aanhang ADO voor kinderen van Sophia Kinderziekenhuis. Hulde. #feyado #ADO #Feyenoord

— Mikos Gouka (@MikosGouka)

“Stuffed animals from ADO-fans for the kids from the Sophia Children’s Hospital.”

2. At the twelfth minute of Sunday’s game against the Rotterdam based team, fans of ADO began throwing stuffed toys towards the seats below them where kids from Sophia Children’s Hospital were sat.

12e minuut knuffelactie ado supporters tbv patientjes Sophia kinderziekenhuis #respect #feyado

— VBEpolitieDH (@VBEpolitieDH)

“12 minute cuddly toy action ado fans in honour of young patients of Sophia Children’s Hospital.