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Big Show Warns Cain Velasquez, 'I've Never Seen a Monster Like Brock Lesnar'

WWE superstar Big Show -- who's fought guys like Hulk Hogan, Floyd Mayweather and John Cena -- has a warning for newcomer Cain Velasquez -- there's NO ONE as scary as Brock Lesnar!!!

TMZ Sports spoke with the wrestling legend about the ex-UFC star's upcoming fight with Lesnar at 'SmackDown' on Friday ... and we had to ask if Cain has a snowball's chance in hell at winning his first match.

"I'mma be real honest with you, I’ve been wrestling for 25 years, I have never seen a monster like Brock Lesner and the warpath that’s he’s been on for the past few years," Show tells us at LAX.