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Political Cornflakes: If Democrats retake the House they’ll have a powerful weapon to investigate Trump thanks to Republicans

Congressional investigations in store for Trump Administration if Democrats retake House. Closed-door negotiations continue on a medical marijuana bill. President Trump, a critic of the Antiquities Act, decides it’s pretty handy after all.

Happy Monday. House Republicans three years ago changed rules — over the protests of Democrats — to give committee chairs unilateral power to subpoena witnesses. (Remember then-Rep. Jason Chaffetz going after Hillary Clinton’s emails, the IRS, Secret Service and Benghazi?) That could come back to bite the GOP if Democrats regain the majority and launch investigations into the Trump Administration. {Politico]

Topping the news: Private talks are actively being conducted to tweak the medical cannabis bill, with lawmakers and advocates working together to provide further revisions to the 126-page bill released earlier this month.