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Paul Waldman: Paul Manafort has flipped. So what happens now?

Related Topics: Paul Manafort, Robert Mueller, Russia

"President Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort is pleading guilty Friday to two criminal charges under terms of a plea deal that includes his cooperation as a potential witness for special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.

"The decision by Manafort to provide evidence in exchange for leniency on sentencing is a stunning development in the long-running probe into whether any Trump associates may have conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

"Manafort's defenders have long insisted that he would not cooperate with Mueller, and didn't know any incriminating information against the president."

As of this writing President Donald Trump has not tweeted about this development, but when he does I imagine it will be to communicate that 1) he barely knows Manafort, and therefore Manafort's crimes shouldn't reflect on him in any way, and 2) Manafort is just a dirty rat like all the other dirty rats who have betrayed him.