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‘Mormon Land’: Historian discusses the new LDS leadership and the question everyone is buzzing about: ‘What about women?’

In the latest edition of “Mormon Land,” we examine the new First Presidency’s answers — which set off a debate inside and outside of the faith that continues to this day — with LDS historian Ardis Parshall.

Commentary: Patriarchy is alive and well in the Mormon church — witness new leader’s response to Tribune’s question

New Mormon leader Russell Nelson pledges to serve God until his last breath, shuffles leadership by replacing Dieter Uchtdorf

‘Mormon Land’: Genesis stalwarts discuss their long ties to support group for black Latter-day Saints, lingering racism in the faith and their hopes for the future

‘Mormon Land’: Essayist Adam Miller discusses faith, doubt, environmentalism, the LDS Church’s gay policy and the quest for Christ

Mormon church’s gay policy means the next prophet’s challenge may be retaining millennials, who view politics and issues differently than older members

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Petition to change Mormon bishopsu2019 interviews of kids tops 11,000 signatures; activists call for practice to end u2018immediately, todayu2019

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