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Monson: Even though the 2018-19 Jazz couldn’t always shoot straight, they were straight shooters

I don’t know these guys, not really. Not up close and personal. I have no clue as to whether Donovan Mitchell is the all-world good guy he seems to be, always helping little old ladies across the street, never acting like the jerk he once told me he wouldn’t allow himself to become because, if he did, his mother “would kill” him. I’m not sure that Rudy Gobert carries the regal bearing he normally demonstrates to everyone at every turn. I once spent a few hours with Joe Ingles, asking him public and private questions, while writing a feature story about him, and when I did, Quin Snyder asked me how on God’s green earth I could sit and listen to Joe for that long, that he himself could barely stand to be around him during practices — kiddingly, of course.