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Juan Manuel Martinez signs with Velez on short-term deal

It’s been a while since we talked about Juan Manuel Martinez — Burrito, if you will — but the former Real Salt Lake player has finally landed at a club again, and it’s one he knows well.

Velez Sarsfield, Martinez’s first club, and the one he played at for a decade, has signed him to a year-and-a-half deal, with a termination clause at six months.

JUAN M. MARTÍNEZ. En horas de la tarde, firmó contrato con la Institución por un año y medio con una cláusula de rescisión a los 6 meses.

— Vélez Sarsfield (@Velez) January 30, 2017

That’s an interesting deal for a lot of reasons — a six-month termination clause is certainly unusual, and while this doesn’t specify what could prompt the exercise of that clause, it does make us think.