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In rare show of cooperation, Republicans and Democrats join to push investment in national parks

Washington • In a rare bout of bipartisanship, a House committee on Thursday reauthorized a long-standing program to buy up and preserve treasured lands as well as dedicate new funding to chip away at a multi-billion dollar maintenance backlog for national parks.

The House Natural Resources Committee advanced the legislation by its chairman, Rep. Rob Bishop of Utah, and top Democrat, Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona. The move was cheered on by environmental groups as a sign that while partisan fights dominate Washington, there are still areas where politicians can agree.

“Today, Republican and Democratic members of the committee joined forces to move legislation they recognize as a wise investment for park resources, preserving our nation’s history and local economies,” said Marcia Argust, who directs the Pew Charitable Trust's campaign to restore America’s parks.