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Holly Richardson: Did Facebook play a role in genocide?

Shortly before Mark Zuckerberg appeared before Congress to talk about privacy concerns and data sharing, he sat down with Vox’s Ezra Klein. Among topics they discussed was the role Facebook played in fueling and inciting anti-Muslim and anti-Rohingya sentiment in Myanmar.

“The Myanmar issues have, I think, gotten a lot of focus inside the company,” Zuckerberg said. “And they’re real issues and we take this really seriously.” Those “issues” of course are the ethnic cleansing/genocide of the Rohingya.

Zuckerberg also noted that hate speech is “a real issue, and we want to make sure that all of the tools that we’re bringing to bear on eliminating hate speech, inciting violence, and basically protecting the integrity of civil discussions that we’re doing in places like Myanmar, as well as places like the U.