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Female-fronted bands banned? Utahns decry British club’s sexist policy

Sorry, Stevie Nicks, you’re not welcome. Hey, Joan Jett, kick rocks. Patti Smith, hit the road. Debbie Harry, Ann Wilson, Chrissie Hynde, Pat Benatar, Lita Ford, Grace Slick — all y’all can scram.

There will be no performing in this establishment by any of you. After all, our customers have decided, women “can’t sing rock.”

A British pub/music club’s apparent decision to institute a policy that bans female-fronted bands from performing at the venue as a result of patrons’ complaints has sparked controversy and drawn condemnation — even in Utah.

Paula Rees, manager of Middlesbrough pub Doctor Browns, told The Northern Echo last week that the rule isn’t sexist, just practical business: “We had female singers on in the past and customers just didn’t like it,” Rees said.