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Energetic LDS leader Vaughn J. Featherstone dies after a life devoted to making Mormonism fun for young members

Vaughn J. Featherstone was equally at home plunging down a raging river, leading a Scout troop on an arduous trek up a mountain, overseeing a gaggle of Mormon missionaries, managing LDS finances, and penning books for the church’s next generation.

In every sense, Featherstone, an emeritus LDS general authority who died Saturday in Bountiful at 87, personified a life on the move, full of energy, determination and joy.

To those who knew and loved him, Big V (as he was known) was “larger than life,” according to the family obituary. “He was ‘a man’s man’ who loved the outdoors, hiking the Wasatch Mountains, taking a long drink from a clear stream, and swimming in any pond, lake, or river he could find.