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Average Utah payday loan interest rate rises to nearly 528% annually — double what Mafia loan sharks charged in the 1960s

The already astronomical interest rates for payday loans in Utah are rising, to an average of 528 percent, with the highest rate topping a stunning 1,500 percent. Still, 1 of every 5 payday loan stores in the state closed in the past two years.

That’s according to new annual data compiled by the state about the industry — portrayed by critics as a “debt trap” that can easily hook and financially drain the poor, but defended by lenders as a needed service for people with poor credit and few other loan options.

The annual report by the Utah Department of Financial Institutions also has encouraging news about payday loan customers: They are borrowing less, and 1 in 8 now take advantage of state-mandated programs that allow them to enter into interest-free, extended-payment programs to avoid default.