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Why Noel Gallagher loves Man City, how Mario Balotelli could've earned £1m and what did a jockey do to his horse? Martin Samuel's quiz of 2017

Whose name was considered too risque for Blackpool? Who rejected Birmingham for a porn career? And why might it matter if your goalkeeper is a duck-billed platypus?

All this and more in our sports quiz of 2017. And, don't forget, if in doubt, just write D.


1. Why did Arsene Wenger not go down the tunnel after being sent off against Burnley?

a) Steve Bould had tied his shoelaces together, for a laugh

b) Tunnel? What tunnel? I saw no tunnel

c) He thought the referee was a stripper-gram, like in that episode of Only Fools and Horses, with Del Boy and the policewoman

d) He claimed he didn't know where to go at the Emirates Stadium, which he helped design

Arsene Wenger was sent off from the touchline during an Arsenal match against Burnley
Arsene Wenger was sent off from the touchline during an Arsenal match against Burnley
