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Vaccine refusal could ruin football's return as Middlesbrough boss Neil Warnock reveals 'majority' of players are not jabbed and the Premier League will not make them mandatory

Premier League players will not be forced to accept the Covid-19 jab despite Neil Warnock warning that the majority of professional footballers have not been fully vaccinated.

And the Premier League’s pandemic protocols will remain in place for players at training grounds and in dressing rooms as there are fears the season could unravel because of the disruption caused by positive Covid-19 cases.

It needs only two or more positive tests at a work building, such as a training ground, for Public Health England to intervene and potentially close a training ground.

Middlesbrough boss Neil Warnock warned many players have not been fully jabbed as yet
Jesse Lingard is the latest big name to go into isolation after testing positive for Covid-19

Clubs are encouraging players to get jabbed as it is the best way to minimise outbreaks and avoid periods of isolation.