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The strange story of Winston Bogarde: From the 1995 Champions League final to Chelsea's ultimate Premier League mercenary ... and back to Ajax again

Say the name Winston Bogarde to fans of any Premier League club and it's likely the response won't be too kind.

The Dutchman arrived in west London in 2000 with a sizable reputation having been part of Ajax's Champions League winning squad in 1995, alongside greats such as Edwin Van der Sar, Frank Rijkaard, Frank de Boer, Jari Litmanen and Clarence Seedorf.

Although he didn't play in that 1-0 final win over AC Milan, his reputation was sufficient to earn him a move to Milan in 1997 and then Barcelona the following year.

Winston Bogarde has become famous in England as the Premier League's ultimate mercenary
Winston Bogarde has become famous in England as the Premier League's ultimate mercenary
The defender played just 12 games in four years, but stayed put to pick up u00a340,000-a-week
The defender played just 12 games in four years, but stayed put to pick up £40,000-a-week

Overall, not only did he win the Champions League in 1995, he won the UEFA Super Cup the same year as well as the Eredivisie twice.