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The FA win post-Brexit war against the Premier League on overseas talent with new '15 point' system set to be introduced in time for the January transfer window... but an 'exceptions panel' will rule on youngsters who just fail to meet the criteria

The Football Association appears to have scored an initial victory over the Premier League in their bitter, post-Brexit war.

Agreement in principle has been reached by both sides over access to overseas talent for the January transfer window and is now awaiting Home Office sign off.

Sportsmail has seen the criteria, and while the two organisations declined to comment, sources close to the matter have branded it a win for the FA – although concessions have been made and there will be a review in February.

The FA and the Premier League (above) have agreed a post-Brexit deal on signing players

Under the new Governing Body Entry (GBE) system, players will need 15 points to be given the green light to come to the UK.