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Stoke owner Peter Coates warns elite clubs they could wreck the Premier League: 'Don't let big clubs turn the world's best league into a walkover'

From Russian oligarchs to American tycoons and Middle Eastern royalty, Peter Coates has welcomed them all to Stoke City as the local boy made extremely good.

As a boy, Coates stood at the old Victoria Ground to watch Stanley Matthews, little imagining that success in business would one day allow him to become owner of his beloved hometown club.

For the past 10 years under his leadership, Stoke have been in the Premier League, an unbroken run matched only by the big six clubs and Everton.

Peter Coates is celebrating a decade in the top flight with his boyhood club Stoke City
Peter Coates is celebrating a decade in the top flight with his boyhood club Stoke City

However, they are in the bottom three with their status under threat before Monday’s visit by Manchester City.