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STEFAN BORSON: Manchester City's never-ending legal battle puts the Premier League in an unenviable position... if the top-flight lay serious charges at their door, this could move glacially on for many more years

Manchester City’s seemingly never-ending battle with the football authorities over matters of accounting are so esoteric you wonder who’s interested.

Yet many rival fans are, and keen to see ‘justice’ meted out to a club that has won five of the past 10 Premier League titles.

As a lawyer myself, and with experience of complex and controversial litigation, even after years of City being under investigation we shouldn’t assume a swift outcome.

Manchester City look set to be locked in legal disputes over their finances for a long time

Manchester City look set to be locked in legal disputes over their finances for a long time

Pep Guardiola's squad is alleged to have been built outside of FFP, with new emails leaked

Likewise, it would be wrong to assume that the type of emails shown in these pages last weekend will provide the PL with a ‘smoking gun’ that previous investigations did not have.