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Retired Premier League star Richard Rufus 'cost investor £140,000 that he had promised to turn into £1.6m after fellow footballer Paul Elliott introduced them'

Related Topics: Richard Rufus, Lucy Organ

Richard Rufus (pictured), 47, allegedly scammed friends and family out of £15million by playing the currency markets in a pyramid scheme

Retired Premier League star Richard Rufus cost an investor £140,000 which he had promised to turn into £1.6million after fellow footballer Paul Elliott introduced them, a court heard.

Richard Rufus, 47, who made 288 appearances for Charlton Athletic, allegedly scammed friends and family out of £15million by playing the currency markets in a pyramid scheme.

He is on trial at Southwark Crown Court where he denies three counts of fraud by false representation, one count of possessing criminal property and one count of carrying out a regulated activity when not authorised.