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Rebekah Vardy 'LIED on oath' and 'DELETED incriminating evidence' as part of 'cover-up': Coleen Rooney's lawyer says rival WAG's case 'almost entirely disintegrated' in bruising closing statement in bitter £3M Wagatha Christie court battle

Rebekah Vardy 'lied under oath' and deleted incriminating WhatsApp messages in a fatally flawed libel action she brought against her rival Coleen that should never have made it to the High Court, Mrs Rooney's barrister declared today.

Celebrity lawyer David Sherborne claimed Mrs Vardy's case 'disintegrated' during the week-long trial in an eviscerating attack on the wife of Premier League footballer Jamie Vardy at the Royal Courts of Justice.

Mr Vardy also came in for criticism, with Mr Sherborne suggesting he was not called as a witness to avoid giving evidence under oath.