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'Public statements don't get you anywhere': Bayern Munich CEO Oliver Kahn condemns Robert Lewandowski for revealing his desire to leave, with club legend urging him 'to remember what he has' amid interest from Barcelona

Bayern Munich CEO Oliver Kahn has ripped into Robert Lewandowski after the striker publicly declared his career at the Bundesliga side was 'over'.

The 33-year-old insisted he would leave the German side this summer as expects the club to sell him rather than lose him for free next year, claiming he has no intention of playing for Bayern again.

Lewandowski has one year remaining on his deal in Munich and his recent declaration has put a number of Europe's top sides on high alert, including Barcelona.

Bayern Munich CEO Oliver Kahn (pictured) slammed Robert Lewandowski for publicly stating he wants to leave
Robert Lewandowskiu00a0publicly declared his career at the Bundesliga side was 'over' earlier this week

Oliver Kahn (left) slammed Robert Lewandowski (right) for publicly stating he wants to leave

The Poland international's comments naturally triggered backlash from within the club.