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Premier League referees up in arms over controversial handball calls as they join players, managers and even members of the PGMOL in opposing the new rule

Premier League officials are just as angry as managers about the new handball law but feel powerless to change it due to instructions from referees chief Mike Riley.

One source said that 'it's Riley's way or no way' when asked whether leading referees such as Mike Dean and Michael Oliver would be given a say on how to interpret the new law that has been introduced this season.

Sportsmail knows of members of the Professional Game Match Officials Limited who do not like the new law and how it is interpreted.

Premier League referees are just as annoyed as managers about the new handball rule
However, referees feel powerless to change the rules due to instructions from Mike Riley

But they must apply it the way they are told or face repercussions, such as by being dropped from future fixtures and therefore losing a significant part of their salary.