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Premier League clubs 'fear foreign stars won't be able to return to England in time' for the season's restart due to border restrictions brought on by coronavirus pandemic

Premier League clubs are becoming increasingly concerned that some of their players will be unable to get back into the UK for when the season resumes, according to reports.

A number of top-flight players fled the UK when the country was placed into lockdown so they could be with their families and loved ones in their homeland.

Chelsea ace Willian was one of those to flea, with the winger gaining permission on compassionate grounds from the Blues to head back to Brazil.

Willian is among the Premier League players to have fled the country during the lockdown
British Airways planes grounded at Heathrow with travel restrictions in place across the globe

But, according to The Mirror, clubs are now concerned their players will be unable to get back to training on time, given the travel restrictions in place across the globe.