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PFA dig their heels in by telling players to stand firm on pay cuts as Mansfield players write to chairman to agree to furlough arrangement

The PFA have dug their heels in over crippled clubs' attempts to reduce their wage bill in the coronavirus crisis, insisting that one League Two side keeps paying players full salaries while claiming furlough payments at a cost to the taxpayer of more than £75,000 a month.

Documents seen by Sportsmail reveal Mansfield Town's attempts to furlough players - which the PFA initially rejected - resulted in the League Two side's players writing to owner John Radford agreeing to the arrangement, which helps the club, provided they were still paid in full and updated monthly.

The pro-forma letter also states the furlough period - in which the government pays 80 per cent of salaries up to a limit of £2,500-a-month - must only last 'as long as necessary until training and/or rescheduled games can resume.