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PAUL TISDALE: Manchester United are losing their way...Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's team take too many long shots and can't break down stubborn defences at home

A player receives the ball 25 yards from goal. His team needs a goal. A packed defence guards the penalty box. He has time to consider the options. The crowd shout: ‘Shoot!’

As a coach sat on the bench, you’re thinking: ‘Don’t shoot!’ And the data backs the coach.

There have been about 1,500 attempts at goal this Premier League season already. Almost 250 goals have been scored using a variety of techniques and tactical moves.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's side particularly struggle to break down stubborn defences at home
There are times when Manchester United look devoid of ideas or alternative approaches

The conversion rate is 17 per cent. About one in every six shots results in a goal.