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Nyamweya: FKF presidential aspirant petitions High Court to suspend fine

Veteran football administrator Sam Nyamweya has petitioned the High Court to suspend the KSh.9 million compensation awarded to renowned sports journalist Omulo Okoth in a five-year defamation suit.

Nyamweya, the former President of Football Kenya Federation (FKF), has already instructed his legal team to challenge the judgment pronounced on July 30.

Justice Lucy Njuguna, of the Civil Division at Milimani in Nairobi, has certified Nyamweya's application as urgent.

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The warring parties have been directed to get a hearing date from the registry on a priority basis.

Omulo Okoth had sued Nyamweya along with the FKF and its two former officials, Michael Esakwa and Robert Asembo.