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Mesut Ozil's agent tells players not to accept wage cuts amid coronavirus crisis as he takes aim at politicians and accuses owners of running clubs like a 'PlayStation game'

Mesut Ozil's agent has told his players not to accept any pay cuts as the increasingly acrimonious fall-out from the coronavirus pandemic continues to split football.

Dr Erkut Sogut, who helped negotiate Ozil's lucrative £350,000-a-week contract at Arsenal, believes that wage deferrals are the best solution and that agents needs to be included in talks.

His intervention comes amid a stand-off in the Premier League as players push back against club executives' proposed 30 per cent wage reduction.

Mesut Ozil's agent Erkut Sogut (left), pictured with the Arsenal player, believes footballers shouldn't have to take wage cuts during the coronavirus pandemic

Mesut Ozil's agent Erkut Sogut (left), pictured with the Arsenal player, believes footballers shouldn't have to take wage cuts during the coronavirus pandemic

Ozil, who earns u00a3350,000-a-week at the Emirates Stadium, may have to take a reduction in wages as the coronavirus impacts the game

German lawyer Sogut believes that an offer to defer wages - possibly for as long as nine months - is the key to breaking the deadlock.