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MARTIN SAMUEL: It's one rule for Hackney hipsters and another for football fans... what a shame supporters appear to suffer from 'bad' coronavirus that means games have to be played at neutral venues while police take no interest in others

What a terrible shame that football supporters appear to suffer from that ‘bad’ coronavirus.

You know, the one that can be spread and kills people. They should try getting the ‘good’ coronavirus instead. The one the Hackney hipsters get. The police don’t seem interested in that at all.

Not judging by the open spaces of London Fields or the main thoroughfare at Broadway Market this weekend. Law enforcers had given up even the lightest touch marshalling there. There were reports of mounted officers smilingly telling picnickers to enjoy the sun.

It would appear that football fans are susceptible to a different Covid-19 to some others

It would appear that football fans are susceptible to a different Covid-19 to some others

The police aren't interested in people breaking lockdown guidelines in the streets and parks
Meanwhile, football fans can't be trusted in their own stadiums in a huge Premier League issue

‘Two days ago, police were confiscating beer from drinkers’ hands,’ Gavin Jamieson told The Guardian.