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Manchester United's players fume as Callum Hudson-Odoi escapes giving away a penalty despite handling the ball inside Chelsea's area... with ref Stuart Atwell deciding not to award a spot kick despite VAR check

Referee Stuart Atwell decided not to give a penalty against Callum Hudson-Odoi, despite the ball striking his hand in the penalty area against Manchester United.

Early in Chelsea's Premier League clash with United on Sunday, the VAR official advised the referee to look at the pitch-side monitor to check for a possible handball.

The ball clearly did strike Hudson-Odoi's hand while he was under pressure from Mason Greenwood, however the spot kick was not awarded.

The ball clearly hit Callum Hudson-Odoi's hand in the penalty area against Manchester United
Referee Stuart Atwell was told to look at the VAR monitor, but decided to not give the penalty

It left the Manchester United players fuming, and Sky Sports commentator Gary Neville said: 'There's no doubt two or three months ago, that's a penalty.