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Manchester United's best defence is to attack - Herrera lauds Solskjaer mentality

Ander Herrera believes Manchester United’s best chance to defend a lead is to keep attacking, and says he enjoys a more offensive role under interim manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

The Red Devils have three wins in three games since Solskjaer replaced Jose Mourinho at the helm following the club’s 3-1 loss to Liverpool.

Solskjaer has overseen a 5-1 win over Cardiff, a 3-1 triumph over Huddersfield and most recently, a 4-1 victory over Bournemouth on Sunday.

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The 12 goals scored in the three contests equaled the club’s output in their final eight games of the Mourinho era, suggesting the managerial change has invigorated the Red Devils’ attack.