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Kerala Blasters' Duckens Nazon signs for Wolverhampton Wanderers

Kerala Blasters' striker Duckens Nazon has made a huge jump from the Indian Super League to the English Championship...

Haiti striker Duckens Nazon, who played for Kerala Blasters in the recently concluded Indian Super League (ISL) season, has signed for English Championship club Wolverhampton Wanderers on a season-long deal.

Nazon will get the chance to impress the Wolves' hierarchy by initially playing with the Under-23 squad. Wolves also have the option of extending his deal by another year if the 22-year-old striker manages to shine during the spell.

Nazon made 12 appearances for Kerala Blasters in the 2016 ISL season and managed to score 2 vital goals, including one in the second-leg of Blasters' semifinal against Delhi Dynamos.