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Jurgen Klopp refuses to rule Thiago out of the Champions League final and urges worried fans to 'wait and see'... despite admitting the Liverpool midfielder's hamstring injury is 'not good' after he was forced off against Wolves

Thiago Alcantara will be given every chance to prove his fitness for the Champions League final on Saturday night after he suffered suspected hamstring damage.

The Spain midfielder, 31, has been a huge player for Liverpool in recent months and he was the reason they were able to get back into the game against Wolves, his glorious backheel flick creating the opportunity for Sadio Mane to equalise.

Bruno Lage's well-drilled side had difficulty following Thiago into the pockets of space that he tried to inflict damage from.

Thiago Alcantara was forced off with an injury in first-half stoppage time against Wolves

But there was collective intake of breath before half-time at Anfield yesterday when he gestured to the bench and walked off the pitch.